These words from St. Paul's letter to the Romans guide us in all we do at Blessed Sacrament School. We believe in the unique gifts and talents of each student. We value their unique strengths and their individual interests and passions. We develop this interest-based learning in our weekly Romans 12 program where students can create, study or explore anything they choose. We develop community-building through Crusader Clubs which pair students and staff together monthly around a common interest.
As we regularly invite our students to discover and develop their God-given gifts and to pursue the interests of their heart, we are inviting them to consider what the Lord wants them to do with these talents and passions. In other words, we invite them to consider their vocation. And the surest way to a happy life is to follow the path that God has planned for them.
At Blessed Sacrament, we are not merely passing on knowledge and skills to our young people; rather, our approach considers the whole child, mind, body and spirit, and the unique gifts each child has been given.
It is our desire that others connected to our community--our support staff, our coaches, and most especially our parents--understand the lens through which we view your child and his or her education. We want to encourage all who work with our children to use the same language and share the same vision for your child as our school staff. To help our community grow in a common language and common understanding of what we believe about education, our principal Mr. Josh Caton writes about these issues in our monthly newsletter.